Tuesday, 3 April 2012

"Danielle Dollars" and the Wildrose's pledges

Alberta is no stranger to political parties trying to buy votes. Former Progressive Conservative Premier Ralph Klein once “shared” the provinces oil revenue with Albertan citizens. This political move increased the sales of I pods and other consumer electronics across the province.

Once again Albertans could be looking at getting a little bonus from the government. Wildrose Party leader Danielle Smith has promised to give Albertans a similar energy dividend of about $300. These “Danielle dollars” are being heavily criticized by other parties, especially the current P.C government.
Retiring Medicine Hat PC MLA Rob Renner argues that there are other expenditures that need to be looked after before giving Albertans cheques. He said, “Until you can actually have the money in the bank, people are satisfied you have met the needs that are required, then you shouldn’t be talking about sending them back [cheques].”

Alison Redford, when refereeing to the dividends, said, “it is another daily announcement that just doesn’t add up.” The Wildrose party similar to the Progressive conservatives want a balanced budget. However, can the Wildrose achieve a balanced budget as well as the promised  to increase the heritage fund to $200 billion dollars in twenty years? Furthermore, can Wildrose do this while sharing Alberta’s resource wealth with Albertans by just giving them cheques? Share your opinion on “Danielle dollars” and the Wildrose pledges. 


  1. do you plan to post platforms from the other parties in the days leading up to the election?

  2. Give me some Danielle Dollars
